What Not to Do: 21 Sins that Can Wreck Your Laundromat

Running a successful laundromat is more than just offering washers and dryers. From maintaining cleanliness to creating a positive customer experience, many factors contribute to your laundromat’s success. In this blog post, we distill the advice from the “21 Sins of Laundromat Owners” episode of the Laundromat Resource podcast, hosted by Jordan Berry with guest Dan Foley. These takeaways serve as tips to elevate your laundromat business to the next level.

1. Maintain Cleanliness and Organization

Schedule regular cleaning shifts for staff, ensuring the laundromat is spotless. Utilize checklists for daily, weekly, and monthly cleaning tasks, including machines, folding areas, restrooms, and parking lots. Remember, first impressions last.

2. Avoid Neglecting Maintenance of Equipment

Implement a maintenance schedule for periodic checks and servicing of all machines. Training staff to identify and report any issues immediately can prevent small problems from escalating.

3. Provide Easy Access to Restrooms

Clearly mark restrooms and ensure they are clean and functional. Consider requiring a code or key for entry to keep non-customers from misuse while ensuring genuine customers have convenient access.

4. Be Hospitable

Train staff to greet customers warmly and offer assistance. Small acts, such as helping carry heavy loads or providing change, can significantly enhance the customer experience and loyalty.

5. Manage Equipment Wisely

Strike the right balance between washers and dryers to avoid bottlenecks. The ideal ratio is 1.15 pounds of wash capacity for every 1 pound of dry capacity. Regularly assess the flow and adjust as necessary.

6. Avoid Passive Aggressive Signage

Use positive language in all signage. Instead of “Do Not Leave Clothes Unattended”, use “Please Keep an Eye on Your Clothes for Safety”. Display updated, relevant information only.

7. Keep a Clutter-Free Environment

Reduce visual clutter by only displaying essential information. Regularly update bulletin boards and remove old or irrelevant postings. A clean, clear space is more welcoming and easier to navigate.

8. Address Graffiti and Exterior Neglect

Remove graffiti promptly and maintain the exterior of your building. A well-kept facade attracts customers and makes a positive first impression.

9. Be Reachable and Responsive

Ensure you or your staff are accessible via phone, email, or in-person for customer concerns or feedback. Display contact information prominently and respond quickly to customer queries.

10. Avoid Dropping Prices to Attract Customers

Focus on providing exceptional service rather than competing solely on price. Higher prices can often be justified with superior service quality, attracting a more respectful and stable customer base.

11. Pay Attention to Lighting

Install bright, energy-efficient lighting throughout your laundromat. Ensure the space feels safe and inviting, reducing the likelihood of your business appearing closed or unwelcoming.

12. Enhance Customer Comfort

Provide sufficient seating, folding space, and clean restrooms. Create a comfortable, welcoming environment where customers feel valued and at ease spending their time and money.

13. Foster a Positive Environment

Avoid playing depressing news or controversial media within your laundromat. Instead, opt for light music or positive content that enhances the mood and makes the experience more pleasant.

14. Regularly Assess Customer Experience

Conduct “outside eyes audits” by having fresh eyes, such as mastermind groups, review your laundromat’s operations. This helps in identifying areas for improvement that you may overlook.

15. Manage Sensory Overload

Keep noise levels moderate and ensure clear, non-distracting decor. A calm environment helps in retaining customers and encouraging repeat visits.

16. Maintain a Positive Attitude

Train staff to maintain a friendly and supportive attitude. Positive interactions can leave a lasting impression and foster loyalty among customers, encouraging them to return.

17. Understand Customer Psychology

Differentiate between poor customers and cheap customers. Focus on attracting those who appreciate quality service over those who only seek the lowest prices.

18. Avoid a Scarcity Mindset

Adopt an abundance mentality, recognizing that investing in quality service and customer satisfaction can lead to long-term business growth and success.

19. Provide Loyalty Programs

Implement card access or loyalty card systems that offer customers benefits for repeated visits. This can increase customer retention and ensure steady business.

20. Consider Layout and Space Allocation

Plan your laundromat’s layout to optimize customer flow. Allocate sufficient space for seating, folding, and machine placement, enhancing the overall customer experience.

21. Seek Help from Experts

Don’t hesitate to consult with industry experts or distributors if you face challenges. Their insights can help streamline operations and introduce best practices tailored to your unique circumstances.


By focusing on these actionable tips, laundromat owners and aspiring buyers can significantly improve their businesses, creating a more appealing, efficient, and customer-friendly environment. Maintain a proactive approach and continuously strive for excellence to ensure long-term success in the competitive laundromat industry.

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