Jason Dodge, author of How to Find, Evaluate, and Buy a Laundromat, joins me on the podcast today to tell his incredible story of how he got into the industry and what his experience has been like so far.
His journey into the laundromat business begins with him on unemployment, leads to him writing a book out of desperation to help his laundromat survive a new competitor, and takes us up to now, where he’s doing one of the exact things he advises NOT to do in his book!
You’re going to love his story, get a lot of wisdom from his experience in the laundromat industry, and you’ll love him as a person, too!
In today’s episode, Jason and I talk about:
- Buying a laundromat while on unemployment
- Creative financing techniques
- His experience opening his first laundromat
- What to do when new competitors invade your territory
- Creative promotional ideas
- Online advertising
- Building a laundromat from scratch
- His tattoo of his grandma
And so much more!
Check out what Jason posted behind him in the pictures below! Ha! The world may never know…
Watch The Podcast Here

AtmosphereTV– We’re brought to you today by my friends at AtmosphereTV! Now You may have heard my interview a few months back with Mike Kelly from AtmosphereTV where we talked about what a simple change in content on your TVs can do for your laundromat by getting depressing news stations OFF and something much more fun, entertaining, and family-friendly ON. Since then, Atmosphere has grown to 50+ channels included in their service with everything from Surfing Dogs to Extreme sports, hilarious fails, and jaw-dropping videos from all over the world built specifically for business use. Atmosphere can be used to supplement your cable or you can completely cut your expensive cable bill and use Atmosphere 100% FREE saving thousands a year! Use my code RESOURCE when you check out or click the link or image to have your setup fee waived or contact [email protected] for more information!
Episode Transcript
Links from the Show
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