Laundromat News August 16, 2024

Welcome to the inaugural edition of the Laundromat Resource News Weekly! We are excited to bring you the latest updates and news stories relevant to the laundromat industry every Friday.

**Top Stories This Week:**

** Laundry CEO Forum – Shoutout to Waleed Cope!**
A huge congratulations to Waleed Cope for organizing the extraordinary Laundry CEO Forum held last week. The event featured incredible speakers, a stunning venue, and an unbeatable ambiance. If you missed it, make sure to attend the next one!

** Explosion in Ocala, Florida**
Two weeks ago, there was a significant explosion at a laundromat in Ocala, Florida, likely due to a gas leak. Thankfully, no casualties have been reported, but this is a stark reminder to prioritize safety in our businesses. Check your gas lines and ensure your establishments are secure.

** Beyonce Filming – Levi’s Commercial**
Beyonce recently filmed a Levi’s commercial at a laundromat in New Jersey, putting laundromats in the spotlight. Congrats to the owner of that laundromat!

** New Tide Franchise in Dallas**
Tide has launched its first laundromat franchise in Dallas, marking a big step in their expansion. They celebrated with a few days of free washes to attract customers. Dallas laundromat owners, take note and step up your game to compete effectively!

** Cents Secures $40 Million in Funding**
Kudos to Alex Jachowski and the Sense team for securing a $40 million funding round. Sense is pushing the boundaries of tech in our industry, offering tools and resources to help us succeed.

** Water Restrictions Easing in Las Vegas**
Las Vegas has faced challenges due to water contamination from flooding. Thankfully, restrictions on laundromats are easing up, allowing businesses to operate on specified days. Vegas laundromat owners, stay strong, and keep serving your community!

For detailed information and links to the discussed stories, please join our free community to receive our Friday newsletter at

**We Want Your News!**
Do you have a relevant news story, event, or press release to share? Email us at [email protected], and we’ll feature it in an upcoming episode.
Stay updated and tune in every Friday for your dose of laundromat industry news!

Watch The Podcast Here


Episode Transcript

Jordan Berry [00:00:11]:
Welcome to the first edition of Laundromat News Today. This is the first episode where we’re rounding up news stories relevant to this industry and to us as Laundromat Owners. And I wanna give you just a brief synopsis of what is going on in this industry today. So, what I’ve done is I’ve compiled some stories, and I’m just gonna, you know, tell you the news and what’s going on. If you are listening to this and you would like to do a, you know, laundromat press release of some sort, maybe you’re a company that has a merger or a product release or something like that, or you’re a laundromat owner and you’re doing some cool event or something like that, and you just want people to know, or maybe you just bought your 1st laundromat, you just wanna share that with people. This is news by laundromat owners for laundromat owners, and, feel free to drop a line at news at And, we will be releasing this episode every Friday, to share the news in the laundromat industry. So [email protected].

Jordan Berry [00:01:17]:
So let’s do a little bit of a roundup here on what is going on in the industry. And first and foremost, I have got to start with a shout out to Waleed Cope for putting on the laundry CEO forum last week. And by the way, this is August 16, 2024. Last week, Wally put on the laundry CEO forum, and I just wanna congratulate him. It was an incredible event. Once again, a laundromat owner coming in and saying, we don’t have to rely on anybody else. We can do this ourselves. If nobody else is doing it well, we’re gonna do it well.

Jordan Berry [00:01:53]:
And, Waleed, let’s just say he did it well. So it was great. Incredible speakers. The venue was amazing. The ambiance was unbeatable, and the attendees were incredible. It was really great to see a lot of you guys over there. If you missed out on that and if Waleed puts on another laundry CEO forum conference, you have got to go. It’s just you you have to go.

Jordan Berry [00:02:19]:
It was incredible. Best event in the water management industry I’ve been in so far. I this is the news, and I’m not supposed to be biased, but there it is. Okay. A lot of you guys heard about the explosion in Ocala, Florida, that happened a couple of weeks ago, actually. And, if you didn’t hear, there was an explosion at a laundromat in in Ocala, Florida. It seems to be, related to a gas leak, and I actually saw a video of, the explosion happening. It was incredible, and it was devastating.

Jordan Berry [00:02:51]:
So, if you, want to, you know, see and hear more about that, we’ll put some links in our, Friday newsletter that goes out. So if you’re not subscribed to that, go subscribe on to the newsletter. We’ll be sharing links to all of these stories, every Friday as this comes out, but a really good opportunity for us to just take a pause and remember, you know, what we’re doing is important, and also we need to make sure we’re doing it safely. So don’t neglect safety. Make sure your gas lines are all sealed up. Make sure you don’t have too much lint going on. We don’t want lint fires either. It’s just a good opportunity for us to pause and just, you know, check our business over, make sure everything’s good.

Jordan Berry [00:03:38]:
Many of you guys will be excited to know that Beyonce filmed the Levi’s commercial in a laundromat, in New Jersey somewhere. So, listen. Laundromats were kind of a big deal right now. But, anyways, congrats to that laundromat owner who had Beyonce filming a Levi’s commercial. Pretty cool. And, you know, something interesting that happened, this last week, or maybe a week ago is, Tide, who has been putting out laundromat franchises, just opened up their first franchise in Dallas. They did a couple of days of free wash to kick that thing off. So, Dallas, you’ve got Tide in your backyard now, so keep an eye on that.

Jordan Berry [00:04:22]:
And, you know, when with these franchises coming, I just wanna take a second. Again, this is a really good time for us to just, you know, take a step back outside of our day to day and say, hey. What what makes us as laundromat owners, independent owners and operators susceptible to things like, a Tide franchise coming into our backyard? And it’s it it only happens because we’re not taking care of our business. We’re not running things like we should. So now is the time to up your game. Now is the time to level up, your laundromat business. So if your store is not spick and span and clean, spend the weekend getting that thing spick and span. If all the machines aren’t working, go get all the machines working.

Jordan Berry [00:05:05]:
Take care of the basics, and then go from there. Okay. So Dallas Tide is in your backyard. Huge, congratulations to, Sense, the software system that you probably seen and heard all over the place. They just announced a $40,000,000, I think it’s a second round of raise. So congrats to Alex Jachowski, who’s been on the podcast, a couple times, and we’ve done some q and a’s together and the whole rest of the Sense team over there. That’s a big deal for them, but also a big deal for us because, you know, Sense is trying to push, push tech, further in our industry and is trying to give us more tools and resources to help us succeed. And, yes, of course, they’re a business trying to succeed also, but, hopefully, that’s gonna be a win win for us.

Jordan Berry [00:05:54]:
So congrats to those guys. And, hey, Alex. Why don’t you spend a little of that money sponsoring the news, segment over here? You know, just think about it. I’m just kidding. But congrats to those guys, and keep an eye on what they’ve got going on. Maybe they’ll be announcing some stuff on this news, segment of the podcast. Finally, I wanted to just shout out to Las Vegas. They have been having some difficulties over there with water restrictions due to some flooding that contaminated water, and I just saw a a new segment that, again, I’ll link in the in the, in in the Friday newsletter over at laundromat

Jordan Berry [00:06:34]:
Go sign up over there. I’ll link it there. But, I just saw that car washes and laundromats, they’re starting to ease up on the restrictions. Still not a great sign over there. I think, I can’t remember exactly what the the news segment said, but I think it said something to the effect of, laundromats can operate their normal business hours Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, or Saturday, Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, something like that. So there’s they still have restrictions on when they can do business and how much water they can use, over there. So if you’re in that Vegas market, hang tough. There sounds like they’re trying to ease up some restrictions and it’s great to hear that they are acknowledging, how our businesses operate in the in the needs that we have and how we serve our community.

Jordan Berry [00:07:24]:
So keep serving those communities well over there, Las Vegas. Okay. Those are the news stories from the last week or 2. We’ll be dropping an episode on Fridays. If this is something that’s interesting to you, again, tune in every Friday. If this is something that you’re not at all interested in, you can skip these episodes, or you can send me a message saying, hey. This is lame. Stop doing it.

Jordan Berry [00:07:46]:
And I might stop doing it, but I’ll probably keep doing it because I just wanna help everybody know what’s going on, help people see the big picture of what’s happening. And again, if you are someone who has, something that you would like to do a press release for, news at, and we’ll get it on the episode. Alright. Alright. We’ll see you next week on the laundromat Resource News Show.

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