Mastering Laundry Pick-up & Delivery

Starting a laundry pick-up & delivery business without owning a laundromat is growing in popularity. But this is easier said than done. Even Mark Vlaskamp, co-founder of the Folde which sold for 7+ figures, acknowledges the difficulties of starting a pick-up and delivery business before you own a laundromat.

But we’ve compiled some tips that should help you master the laundry pick-up and delivery business, whether you own a laundromat or not.

Diversify Your Client Base

Expanding beyond residential customers can significantly boost your revenue and stability. Consider targeting commercial entities like art studios, dog daycares, small hotels, corporate housing units, and janitorial companies. Leverage networking, cold calling, and partnerships to secure these accounts.

Effective Residential Market Expansion

To grow your residential customer base without blowing your budget, focus on local marketing strategies like community sponsorships, referral programs, and partnerships with local businesses. Social media marketing and local SEO can also help you attract nearby customers, driving more foot traffic to your services.

Implementing On-Premise Laundry (OPL) Systems

On-premise laundry (OPL) systems can optimize your operations and cut down costs. Invest in high-efficiency machines and explore chemical dosing and programming tailored to different types of laundry, ensuring you deliver top-quality results consistently.

The benefits of an OPL facility are that typically rents will be cheaper and your workflow in processing pick-up and delivery and drop-off laundry orders can be more easily streamlined. There are no self-serve customers using the machines to wait for.

The downside of an OPL facility is that you don’t have a self-serve customer base to provide the foundation of revenue to support the business. So, starting with an on-premise laundry facility can be financially difficult in the short run.

Strong Systems and Infrastructure

Building a robust infrastructure involves setting up efficient processes and either manual or automated tracking systems. Implement software that helps with scheduling, inventory management, and customer communications. This gives you the structure needed to scale your business efficiently.

Unique Service Touches

Differentiating your services with unique touches can be a game-changer. Consider adopting this approach: using specialized folding techniques, color-coded bands for undergarments and socks, and uniform packaging for consistent presentation. These details enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Laundry is our business. It’s what we spend our time thinking about and it’s what we spend our days doing. When we can demonstrate that we have thought through details that our customers have never even considered we can wow them and keep them coming back

Strategic Team Management

Managing a team effectively requires clear communication and setting the right expectations. If transitioning from a previous job, give employees time to adjust to new management. Offer partnership or unique arrangements to keep valuable employees engaged and retained.

The key to a good business is finding the right employees and putting them in the right roles. This can take some time, effort, and some turnover to do, but once you find the right people and have them in the right role your business will operate much more smoothly. 

At that point, your primary role is to help your employees succeed and to keep them engaged. Keeping good employees is critical to long-term success. Find ways to keep them motivated, engaged, and happy at work. Invite them to be a part of the bigger mission of the company to infuse meaning into what they do day-in and day-out.

Building Trust and Transparency

Create content that showcases your transparency and builds trust with customers. Share behind-the-scenes looks at your operations, be open about mistakes, and show how you resolve them. Transparency helps build a loyal customer base that trusts your brand.

No matter what business you’re in, you’re in the trust business. When people give you their clothes to clean, they are entrusting you with a piece of them. Clothes are one way that we frame how others perceive us. They are a key piece of our identity. It’s a big deal when someone hands that over to you.

What ever you can do to build trust with your customers and potential customers will benefit your business more than just about anything else.

Securing Partnerships

Secure long-term partnerships with real estate groups, short-term rental properties, and cleaning services. A solid partnership can provide a steady stream of clients. Partnerships with companies that have bulk, recurring laundry needs can help stabilize and grow your business.

Optimized Pricing Strategies

Carefully consider your pricing strategy to ensure it covers operational costs and provides room for profit. Evaluate market conditions and adjust prices as necessary, even if it means facing challenges initially. This could involve price adjustments based on service areas or client profiles.

Utilize our pick-up and delivery pricing calculator to ensure you’re charging the right price for your service. Many laundromat owners and pick-up and delivery operators are unknowingly making very little, and sometimes no, profit because they don’t understand the costs that go into providing their service. Use our calculator so you’re not one of those owners

The Power of Networking

Networking is essential to find new clients. Attend industry events, join local business groups, and engage on online platforms targeted at laundromat owners. Consistent networking efforts, like cold calling and nurturing partnerships, are crucial to your business growth.

Networking can look like a lot of different things. Attending a chamber of commerce meeting, playing golf with the potential clients, or sponsoring community events are some ways to network. The core essence, though, is get around more people who you can serve and you will get more business.

Setting Financial Goals

Set clear, ambitious financial goals for your business. Think big. Identify a target revenue and develop a strategic plan to achieve it. Draft a roadmap that includes specific milestones and review it regularly to ensure you stay on track.

If you don’t know where you’re going, you’ll never get there.

Focus on Marketing and Customer Service

Invest in marketing strategies that help you stand out. Use social media, local advertising, and direct mail campaigns to reach potential customers. Excellent customer service, including timely communications and addressing feedback, ensures high customer retention rates.

Here’s a guide on how to market your laundromat effectively.

Continuous Improvement and Learning

Commit to ongoing learning and improvement. Stay updated with industry trends, attend workshops, and seek mentorship. Learning through experience and learning from others through books, podcasts, videos, blogs and anywhere else smart people are sharing what they know will help you grow your business. Just don’t get caught in a learning loop. Action is what will give you success, not learning. Learning just helps you figure out what actions to take.

Working Efficiently and Passionately

Combine hard work with passion to run your business effectively. Passion for the business helps you stay motivated through challenges and fosters a strong work ethic. Your competitors will be passionate about the business. In order for your business to thrive, bring passion and energy. Your employees will feed off of it. Your customers will feed off of it. And, as a result, you’ll experience more passion and energy for the business.

Nothing drives our energy like positive results. It sets a positive loop into action. So help your customers get positive results with their laundry and it will create more energy for you. Help your employees feel successful at their jobs and you’ll receive energy back from them, too.

Putting it all together

By integrating these tips you can establish, grow, and sustain a successful laundromat business. Whether you’re just starting or looking to expand, these strategies offer a practical roadmap to achieving your entrepreneurial dreams in the laundromat industry.

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