Laundromat News September 6, 2024

Owning and operating a laundromat requires not only a solid business plan but also staying updated with the latest industry trends and news. In this blog post, we’ll highlight key takeaways from the latest episode of Laundromat News Today to help you navigate the laundromat business landscape more effectively.

1. Monitor Potential Mobile Competitors
Tip: Keep an eye on emerging mobile laundromat services.

– Practical Application: Investigate whether any mobile laundry service providers are operating in your area. Assess their impact on your customer base. Consider adding a mobile component to your service offerings if appropriate. Being proactive can help you stay competitive and potentially increase your revenue streams.

2. Identify Underserved Markets
Tip: Look for underserved areas that could benefit from laundromat services.**

– Practical Application: Conduct market research to identify places within a specific radius that lack laundromat services. Such areas can present prime opportunities for expansion or new locations. Use demographic data and community needs assessments to pinpoint these gaps. Engage with local communities to better understand their specific laundry needs.

3. Stay Ahead of Environmental Regulations on Microplastics
Tip: Prepare for regulations addressing microplastics in the laundry process.

– Practical Application: Begin researching and investing in washing machines and filters that can capture microplastics. Stay updated on pending legislation and community standards, especially if you’re operating in environmentally progressive areas like California. Embracing eco-friendly practices can not only comply with regulations but also attract environmentally-conscious customers.

4. Explore Innovative Business Models
Tip: Consider unique business models to stand out in your community.

– Practical Application: Combine your laundromat with another complementary business, such as a café or restaurant. This dual model can attract more customers and increase your profitability. Identify local partnerships that could benefit both parties and create a more engaging customer experience.

5. Stay Informed on Market Trends
Tip: Keep up with the latest market reports and industry forecasts.

– Practical Application: Regularly check for industry reports that provide insights into the future of the self-service laundromat market. Understanding these trends can inform your business strategy, from pricing adjustments to service enhancements. Being well-informed helps in making savvy business decisions that can sustain growth.

6. Explore Community-Oriented Services
Tip: Consider offering community-focused services or partnerships.

– Practical Application: Collaborate with local nonprofits or community organizations to offer laundry services for underserved populations. Such partnerships not only benefit the community but also boost your brand’s image and can lead to increased customer loyalty. Initiatives like laundry vouchers or free laundry days can also be beneficial.

7. Leverage Pickup and Delivery Services
Tip: Evaluate the feasibility of pickup and delivery laundry services.

– Practical Application: If you haven’t already, consider adding a pickup and delivery service to your laundromat. This can cater to the growing demand for convenience among customers. Either start your own service or partner with existing providers. Evaluate logistics, costs, and the potential market to ensure this service aligns with your overall business strategy.

 Stay tuned to Laundromat News Today for ongoing insights and updates within the industry.

For more resources and to stay updated, remember to tune in live to Laundromat News every Thursday at 5:30 PM Pacific Time on the Laundromat Resource radio station

Watch The Podcast Here


Episode Transcript

Jordan Berry [00:00:05]:
Alright. Welcome to Laundromat News. Today, I am your news anchor, Jordan Barry. And I am super excited to come to you with today’s latest news in the laundromat industry. Let’s start with question I get asked all the time is listen, how secure are laundromats? Are they gonna go out of business soon? Are are things gonna take them over? Well, here’s a couple of things that we need to keep an eye on that may or may not be threats. Today’s first story comes to you from the back of a Cybertruck. Yes. That is right.

Jordan Berry [00:00:43]:
Comes to you from the back of a Cybertruck. There is a handyman out there who is literally plugging a washing machine into the back of his Cybertruck and driving it around town, advertising his handyman services. So do we need to be afraid of these mobile laundromats driving around in the back of cyber trucks? I don’t know. What do you think Could be a huge threat to us, but maybe not. I don’t know. So that’s today’s first news story. Keep an eye out for cyber trucks with washing machines in the back of them. And until then, I think we’re okay.

Jordan Berry [00:01:24]:
Story number 2 comes to you, from the nonprofit world. And there is a a church in Flint, Michigan who is doing something awesome, I think, Providing there there was a 4 mile radius where there was no laundromat service services there. And so this church has taken it upon themselves to create basically a laundromat, for people to be able to do their laundry, which I think is very cool. But it also highlights that listen people, I know there’s a lot of you out there looking for your 1st laundromat or looking for your next laundromat and I just want to point this out that there are still opportunities out there. So keep on looking and, keep on trekking. You gotta keep working the system and then the system will work for you. Coming up next to you from PBS and a whole lot of other places, there’s a hot topic in Laundromat right now and that is microplastics. And I just wanted to point this out, because it is something that’s been on the radar here in California, and will continue to be on the radar here in California and will, you know, as it tends to happen spread to everywhere else if it’s not there yet already.

Jordan Berry [00:02:39]:
So microplastics are 1 or or laundromats or I shouldn’t say laundromats, I should say laundry is one of the greatest contributors to our microplastic, problem that we have here. Now a big part of that is the fabrics that we’re using, in our garments in order to create different types of garments that we’re using. Right? But a lot of those microplastics get shed, in in the washers and dryers that we’re using and from there spread out to our rivers, our oceans, our soils, our air, and all over the place. So we need to keep an eye on this issue. We need to keep working on this issue much I I I am venturing to guess that microplastics will be one of the, the efficiencies that’s going to grow over the years. Much as old washing machines and old dryers were very utility inefficient, Right now, I’d say we’re not quite there in terms of efficiency of, catching those microplastics and figuring out exactly what to do with them in a safe way. So something to keep an eye on because it will be impacting our businesses one way or another. Next, let’s go to Maine and let’s talk about, you know, innovative business models.

Jordan Berry [00:04:05]:
There is a laundromat let me see, what’s it called again? Laundry Up, I think, in Maine. Yeah. Laundry Up. Yeah. Laundry Up Laundry Up in Biddeford Biddeford Biddeford. Maine has got your laundry covered but also has an Italian restaurant. So I love seeing stuff like that where business owners are getting creative and, looking for unique and different business models and ways to stand out in the community. So, listen.

Jordan Berry [00:04:38]:
You can go to an Italian restaurant, spill spaghetti sauce all over you, and then head right over the laundromat and get that thing taken care of. So, very cool business model out in Maine. One more just quick news story. There’s another report done that says, hey, the market is looking good for self-service laundromats in the future. So again, hey. News is good here. I’m gonna take a quick second to pause for my own news here, and that is that Laundromat News is going to be going out to you live on the Laundromat Resource radio station, which you can find at, every Thursday at 4 no. 5:30 Pacific Time.

Jordan Berry [00:05:28]:
5:30 Pacific Time starting on, I believe, the 19th September. Is that yeah. 19th September. So starting then, it will be going out live. So look forward to that. If you wanna join us at alarm and rent, 5:30 PM Eastern, 8:30 PM or Pacific, 8:30 PM EST. Oh, gosh. Now I just confused myself and you.

Jordan Berry [00:05:50]:
5:30 PM Pacific, 8:30 PM EST. That’s when it will be going out live to you and then it’ll be posted the next day for, you know, the rest of the people who, you know, just don’t want the latest and greatest news right when it’s coming out. But love for you guys to join me over there. And just a quick plug for Laundromet Resource Radio over there, you’ve got 247, You’ve got podcast episodes, live q and a’s, webinars that we’ve done in the past. Some of that stuff you can’t get anywhere else anymore except for on Lorna Met Resource radio station. So go check it out. A lot of fun. And finally, let’s wrap it up with a couple of sisters.

Jordan Berry [00:06:33]:
I’ll just give them a quick shout out. Marissa and Miranda. That’s right. Marissa and Miranda doing pickup and delivery laundry without a a laundromat. They’re doing it there, and I love what they said. One of the things they said in this article is, listen. You can outsource anything. And if there’s a chore that you don’t wanna do, there’s somebody who will do it for you, and they’re stepping up in their community in Frederick.

Jordan Berry [00:06:59]:
And, I know a lot of other people are doing the same. So shout out to you guys who are out there hustling, starting your laundry business with a laundry pickup and delivery service without owning a laundromat or I should say, for many of you, pre laundromat, because I know the goal for Marissa and Miranda and many of you who are starting this way is to get your own laundromat and maybe even in a laundromat empire, going. So shout out to that. But also, you know, as laundromat owners, keeping an eye out for what’s going on in this industry. And one trend that we see picking up hugely, not only with services, like Poplin that are are crowdsourcing this service, but also just a lot of independent laundry service operators who are operating out of our laundromats, are are that’s that’s booming right now. Lots of people are doing that. So keep an eye on that. Maybe it’s a good opportunity to partner with somebody like that.

Jordan Berry [00:07:59]:
Maybe, you wanna start that service yourself and you need to know what’s going on in your community. So shout out to these 2 for doing that and Frederick and all of you other hustlers out there who are listening to this and the podcast while you’re on the road picking up laundry, taking it to a laundromat or your house or wherever you’re doing it and, staying up to date. That is today’s Laundromat News. Hope you got a lot out of it. We will see you again next week on Laundromat News Today.

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