Laundromat News September 13, 2024

Our latest episode of Laundromat News Today just dropped and it’s packed with all sorts of exciting updates and opportunities in the laundromat industry! We can’t wait for you to dive in and get the scoop. Here’s a little preview of what’s in store:

Episode Highlights:

Jordan kicks off the episode with an update from our former podcast guest, Dan Foley, who’s started his very own YouTube channel! 

5 Keys You’ll Learn:

1. Dexter X Series Launch: Discover the latest features of Dexter’s new line of machines, including its sleek design and innovative touchscreen capabilities.

2. Skagway, Alaska Needs YOU: There’s a laundromat opportunity in this cool (literally and figuratively) town. Learn why you might want to consider setting up shop there.

3. Laundry Cares Foundation: Find out why they bagged the David M. Rubenstein Prize and how they are impacting communities through literacy.

4. Laundry Ready App: How this new service is changing the game for laundry pickup and delivery – and how YOU can partner with them.

5. Networking Opportunities: Discover new ways to expand your business and connect with industry leaders.

Fun Fact:
Did you know that Skagway, Alaska has only ONE year-round laundromat? And it’s closing soon! Talk about a golden opportunity to make a difference and enjoy some of the coolest views around.

If you love what you hear, leave us a review and let us know how we’re doing! Your feedback keeps us motivated to bring the best to your laundry business earwaves. 

Watch The Podcast Here


Episode Transcript

Jordan Berry [00:00:03]:
Welcome to Laundromat News Today. I am your news anchor. I can really gotta nail that down. I’m your news anchor over here, Jordan Barry with Laundromat Resource. And I am here to bring you the latest and greatest in all the laundromat news. So today I want to start out with, former podcast guests, guest who shot me an email at news at, which is exactly where you can shoot me an email if you’ve got news going on, news And he said, hey. I’m trying to do something for the industry over here.

Jordan Berry [00:00:38]:
He started a YouTube channel, LA Laundromat LA Laundryman Dan Dan Foley, who was on the podcast not too long ago, starting his YouTube channel, so go give him some love and support. Again, you can get links to this and everything else we talk about today in our newsletter, so make sure you go sign up at for the newsletter. Listen. Apparently, we’ve been hearing whispers, we’ve been hearing the chatter, and we’ve heard the promises of someday well, guess what? Today is that someday, Dexter has come out with their new line of machines, the Dexter x series, which, you know, is new and exciting. I think one of the big, complaints about Dexter equipment was that you can’t tell if it’s 30 years old or brand spanking new. And Dexter has come out with this new x series that does look a little bit different, and it’s got touchscreen capabilities. So they’re coming into the touchscreen world over here. Pretty exciting stuff.

Jordan Berry [00:01:38]:
I think the more of this kind of thing that we get, the better it is for all of us and easier it is for us to have great businesses. So Dexter X Series, you’ll, have to go check it out. I saw a few of the features that are in there. They’ve got some moisture sensing stuff going on in their dryers and fire prevention, stuff going on there and a a whole bunch of other stuff happening that, integrates with that touchscreen stuff. So go check out the Dexter x series and see what they’ve got cooking over there. We’ve got a desperate need. We’ve got a desperate need in Skagway, Alaska. I have actually been to Skagway.

Jordan Berry [00:02:16]:
It is a cool little town, and in that town, there is only 1 year round laundromat, one laundromat that stays open all throughout the winter summer months, and that laundromat is closing in September. So residents of Skagway are calling you and saying, listen. We need somebody to come open up a laundromat. So if you’re looking for an opportunity, you wanna live in a cool, metaphorically, but also probably physically cool, especially in the winter, area and provide some laundry services. Check out Skagway, because they have some need over there. Also, I wanted to shout out, the Laundry Cares Foundation just was honored and awarded the David m Rubinstein Prize as part of the 2024 Library of Congress Literacy Award. So congrats to Laundry Cares Foundation trying to do something awesome in the neighborhoods, and I’ve been saying for a long time and so have they and so have many of you. We have a cool opportunity as laundromat owners to reach out to our communities, to make an impact, to make a difference, to instill value in communities, that we serve in.

Jordan Berry [00:03:28]:
So congrats to Laundry Cares Foundation for doing that through their literacy program and being recognized for it. So look forward to more of that. And, finally, I want to introduce you to a new service company that’s busting onto the scene, starting out in Austin and trying to expand right now into New York. It is Laundry Ready with the Laundry Ready app, and they are trying to partner with, laundry service providers, like maybe some of you, to process laundry and offer pickup and delivery services to the communities that you serve in. It you may download their app, the Laundry Ready app, and you can, partner with them. And when they get orders, for pickup and delivery, they will bring that laundry to you. You process it, and they will take it back to the customer. So very cool trying to be, another angle, if you will, towards the Uber for laundry, Uber for everything that we’ve got now, Uber for laundry service.

Jordan Berry [00:04:35]:
So check out Laundry Ready, especially if you’re looking to expand your Laundromat’s reach, and you’re not quite ready to bite the bullet on your truck or van or whatever. But also, you can also partner with them if you do have your own, truck, or van. So go check those guys out. They’re trying to serve, at the moment, Austin and New York, but they’re looking to expand all over the place. So check them out. Reach out to those guys. You can reach out to them at laundry ready 1, the number 1, laundry ready number 1, laundry ready [email protected]. If you’re interested or you just wanna get some more information, talk with Ash over there.

Jordan Berry [00:05:14]:
Super good guy and would love to chat with you. Alright. That is it for today’s news and laundry news today. We will be back at it next week to bring you the latest and greatest of all things laundromat industry. It’s gonna make your head spin and extract all the new I don’t know. I I know, Patrick, I’m I’m acknowledging that you wanted more jokes, and I just gotta tell you what my wife tells me all the time. I’m just not that funny. So, I’m gonna I’m gonna try to write some jokes down for the next one for you, Patrick.

Jordan Berry [00:05:50]:
I’m that’s what I’m gonna do. This is Laundromat News Today. I’m your news anchor, Jordan Barry, for Laundromat resource, and we’ll see you next week with the news.

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