Laundromat News October 4, 2024

Join your favorite news anchor, Jordan Berry, as he takes you through the latest and greatest in the laundromat industry. From cutting-edge tech to international trends, we’ve packed this episode with everything you need to stay ahead of the curve.

5 Key Takeaways From This Episode:

1. Laundrolux’s Toughest 200G Machine:

Discover the game-changing features of the new Wascamat vended washer, including its innovative 7-inch color touchscreen with 35 languages and 10 built-in wash cycles. 

2. Global Trends:

Learn about the booming laundromat business models in Vietnam and Japan and how they’re setting trends that might just be our future. 

3. Hurricane Relief Efforts:

Hear inspiring stories from laundromat owners like Sarah Mackin, who are offering free services to utility workers and first responders affected by Hurricane Helene. 

4. Next-Gen Laundry Services:

Get the scoop on the revolutionary Laundry Go in Asia—an AI-powered, mobile app-based laundry service that’s changing the game. 

5. Beyonce’s Laundromat Love:

Yep, you read that right! Beyonce is back in the laundromat in her latest Levi’s commercial. Find out which lucky laundromat served as backdrop to Queen B’s iconic shoot. 

Fun Fact:

Japan has seen an incredible increase in self-serve laundromats, jumping from 10,000 locations in 1997 to a whopping 25,000 today, while dry cleaners have seen a significant decline! Talk about a laundromat revolution! 

We’ve got a jam-packed episode that’s sure to leave you intrigued, informed, and inspired. Make sure to tune in and get the lowdown on everything happening in our vibrant industry.

Got news or a story you want featured? Shoot us an email at [email protected]. We’d love to hear from you!

Until next time, stay fresh and keep those washers spinning! 


Press Release: Wascomat Introduces the Toughest 200G Machine Yet, Now with Proven Touch Control Technology

INWOOD, N.Y. (Sept. 16, 2024) — LaundryLux, North America’s exclusive distributor of Wascomat commercial laundry equipment is thrilled to announce a game-changing expansion in its Wascomat Vended washer product line.

Introducing the Wascomat WED Series 200G solid-mount washers, now featuring the innovative Clarus Vibe 7” Color Touchscreen control, designed to enhance operational efficiency and user satisfaction. This cutting-edge technology promises to transform the laundry experience with its superior interface, offering laundromat owners an unprecedented opportunity for increased customer satisfaction and maximized profits.
Engineered for ease of use and longevity, the Clarus Vibe Touchscreen with a high-definition display delivers unprecedented control over every aspect of doing laundry. From custom programs to regulating water levels and superior program and option selections — this control does it all with the precision and ease of use consumers know and love.
“The introduction of Wascomat Touchscreen 200G Washers represents the next step in our mission of providing the world’s most technologically advanced commercial laundry solutions,” says Julia Milch, President of LaundryLux. “The Clarus Vibe Color Touchscreen control matched with Wascomat’s hard mount built-tough durability, meets the demands of the self-service laundry market with proven success and performance.”
Initially introduced with great success in Electrolux high spin washers, the Clarus Vibe 7” Touchscreen Control is loaded with powerful benefits including 10 built-in wash cycles, 180+ custom programs, and 35 available languages to serve North America’s diverse population. Additional features include Heavy Soil and Extra Rinse prompts for up-charging at the point of purchase. 

Walk-up home screens can be designed with custom messaging to deliver a fully branded experience. By seamlessly connecting our LaundryPay and LaundryPulse payment and management software, you can offer a modern, end-to-end solution that your customers will love. The Wascomat 200G Clarus Vibe stands out as a comprehensive, contemporary solution that not only attracts new customers but also captivates and delights existing clients, enhancing overall customer retention.
For customers who invest in a full store of Wascomat Tough Plus Clarus Vibe Touchscreen equipment, LaundryLux supercharges your investment with exclusive support, including complimentary marketing and consulting services. Enhance your laundromat with dynamic professional signage, eye-catching window graphics, custom logo design, and impactful digital campaign development. Whether you’re retooling or opening a brand new store, we have all the marketing tools to make your business shine!

To learn more, contact your local authorized Wascomat Commercial Laundry sales representative at [email protected] or visit Wascomat Tough Plus – Laundrylux or call 1-800-645-2204.

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Episode Transcript

Jordan Berry [00:00:03]:
Welcome to Laundromat News. Today, I am your news anchor, Jordan Barry. And we are gonna bring you the latest and greatest of what’s happening around the laundromat industry. And we’re gonna start off with a press release from Laundrelux, who has come out with their toughest 200 g machine yet, now with proven touch technology. Laundrelux is North America’s exclusive distributor of Wascamat commercial laundry equipment, and it’s thrilled to announce the game changing expansion of its Wascamat vended washer product line. I’m gonna put the entire press release on the show notes page, so check out laundromat to check out the whole thing. But it features an innovative Clarus Vibe 7 inch color touchscreen control panel. I saw something at 35 different languages, 10 different built in wash cycles, a 180 plus custom programs.

Jordan Berry [00:01:00]:
I just love that these manufacturers are coming out with these products that are helping us serve our customers better. So check out the toughest 200g machine yet from Laundrelux to Wascamat, there and check out laundromat to go read the full press release and to get a link to check out, check it out further. And you can talk to a representative for Waskomack Commercial Laundry and Sales at info at info, or you can call 1800-645-2204. So I wanna get that information out there. Love, love, love this machine. It looks super sharp, and, can’t wait to try it out myself. I haven’t seen it yet in person, but I can’t wait to try it out myself. So check that out.

Jordan Berry [00:01:49]:
I wanna jump to our next story here. We’ve got a couple international stories, and the reason I’m bringing them up is because I like to see kinda what’s happening, around the world because some of that stuff is a sneak peek into our future here. So, listen. First of all, we’re gonna go over to Vietnam. In Vietnam, the laundromat business model is booming right now. You know, as I I think they’re in a in a point in time where small businesses are struggling, but laundromats seem to be booming there. And, I just think it’s, interesting to see that kind of around the world, the status of laundromats has been raising in the eyes of investors and and business owners. We’re certainly seeing that here in, the US, but also we’re seeing this in other places.

Jordan Berry [00:02:46]:
This initiative is being driven by Alliance Laundry Systems, the world’s biggest commercial laundry manufacturer, and they are driving this growth here in Vietnam. So let’s keep an eye over there, see what’s going on, see what’s happening, but it’s proving, laundromats are proving once again to be a just a compelling, business model. Alright, let’s stay in Asia, and we need to talk about Japan right now, because Japan also is seeing a boom in laundromats, and it’s this is really actually very interesting. They’re seeing a huge boom in self serve laundromats, and they’re seeing a decline, pretty massive decline in dry cleaners. And part of the reason for that, and it’s something that, you know, I don’t feel like we talk about enough, but it’s changes in in garments. Actually, there, Japan is is kinda leading the way with garments and specifically with suits that can be washed in in a regular washer, and their self serve laundromats are are growing because of the garments that are being worn over there that can be, that can be washed, you know, in a in a standard washer dryer. Actually, they have a lot of washer dryer combos even, so you can just chuck it all in one machine, get it washed, get it dried, good to go. It’s your suit.

Jordan Berry [00:04:03]:
You’re ready to you’re ready to hit the workforce there. So but I think this is very interesting because as we’re seeing a boom in laundromats in Japan, I’m I’m looking at a chart here. I’ll link to that in our newsletter. So if you’re not signed up for that, go sign up for our newsletter. But, I’m looking at a chart here that shows the growth from about 10,000, self serve laundromat locations in 1997 to, to today where they’re at about 25,000, self serve laundromats. And I’m looking at dry cleaners that had about 50,000 locations in 1997, and they’re down to about 22,000 today. So you can see that that has sort of begun to invert there. So, again, I think this is very interesting because of the types of garments that are being created and worn there, and so that’s definitely an interesting trend for us to be watching.

Jordan Berry [00:05:00]:
Listen. We can’t talk about the news today without talking about hurricane and hurricane relief. There are a number of laundromats on the East Coast there in the Eastern Seaboard that are offering free wash to try to help out the communities over there, and I’ll link to a few different articles of a couple of different Laundromats that are doing that. But definitely thoughts and prayers out there for everybody over there, who has been going through this hurricane and has suffered loss and devastation, and in particular, laundromat owners who have had their businesses affected over there. We’re thinking about you guys, and we’d love to support you guys, and we appreciate those of you who are supporting your communities by offering great service and some of you who are even offering great free service. I wanna give a particular shout out to Sarah Mackin, who’s out in Newberry, South Carolina, who, their business, all her and her husband’s business also was affected by Hurricane Helene. However, they were able to get power back on, and they’ve been able to give back by offering free laundry services for utility workers and first responders. As those guys are working around the clock to try to restore power and to help those in need.

Jordan Berry [00:06:18]:
So listen, I’ve been saying this for a long time, but laundromats are amazing investments. You can cash flow really great. They’re still a great business model. I get asked that all the time. Still a great business model both here in the US and as we’ve seen globally, already today. But but listen, aside from them being great businesses, we have opportunities to actually impact in positive ways our communities. And And so shout out to Sarah Mackin and all the other Laundromats out there that are serving their communities during a time of crisis. So I just want to acknowledge that.

Jordan Berry [00:06:51]:
And again, I’ll put a link to Sarah’s Laundry Southern Suds, which I love. That in case you want to go check them out and maybe head over their Facebook page and give them a great review, for their great work they’re doing over there for first responders and utility workers. Alright. We got to head back over to Asia for a second because they also are seeing a boom, but they’re seeing they’re seeing some a a new generation of laundry, servicing, going on over there. I mean, this this is wild, and and this is definitely something we need to take notice of. You definitely should, check out the newsletter that’s going out in order to read a little bit more about this. However, Laundry Go is booming over there, and they’re a mobile app based laundry service offering contactless pickup and delivery. And they’re using all kinds of innovative technology, including an AI scanner that they send laundry through, and it uses vision AI to automatically assess, autonomously assess the condition of the laundry and determine the appropriate washing method.

Jordan Berry [00:07:55]:
Like this is next level stuff we’ve got going on here. These are the kinds of things we need to be paying attention to. This is a whole new level of of laundry over here. So check out what they’re doing over there. You know, they’ve got they’ve got unmanned 24 hour dry cleaners. They’ve got all kinds of stuff happening over there. It’s really, really interesting, and these are the kinds of things that we need to be paying attention to as laundromat owners. Number 1, so that we can decide if there are ways to implement, these things or or something similar along these lines, but also just to see the evolution of our our industry and where we’re heading here.

Jordan Berry [00:08:31]:
Alright. So I’ll I’ll link to that in the newsletter. And, listen, the last thing we’ve got to touch on here, because this has been big news, it’s been all over my wife’s news feeds and stuff. But once again, Beyonce is back in the laundromat stripping down to her underwear in a Levi’s commercial. So shout out to the laundromat owner who owns the laundromat that Beyonce is stripping down in, I guess. But listen, not only not only are Laundromat’s a great business model. Not only do we have an opportunity to do great things in the community, but also maybe Beyonce might do her laundry in your Laundromat. So just further proof that this is a great business model.

Jordan Berry [00:09:14]:
Listen. This is the news today. There’s a lot going on in our industry, both here and abroad. But once again, we just wanna send our thoughts and prayers out to everybody affected by hurricane Helene. And if there are anything that we can do as a community, feel free to reach out. Or if you have news for next week’s episode, send me an email, news at, and we’ll get that in the news, and we’ll try to mobilize if anybody needs some assistance out there. Alright. Alright.

Jordan Berry [00:09:45]:
That is it for the news today. We will see I still don’t have a catchphrase, like one of those cheesy news catchphrases. I’m gonna work on that. And I still have not said any jokes, not a one for Patrick, and I I’m feeling like a failure right now. So, maybe next week, I’ll get my act together and and find a funny bone. That’s all for today. LaundryVant News today.

Spanish Summary

Jordan Berry, el anfitrión, presentó las últimas novedades en la industria de las lavanderías. Primero, compartió un comunicado de prensa de Laundrelux sobre su nueva máquina de lavado Wascamat con una pantalla táctil a color Clarus Vibe de 7 pulgadas. Luego, habló sobre el crecimiento del modelo de negocio de las lavanderías en Vietnam, impulsado por Alliance Laundry Systems, y en Japón, donde las lavanderías autoservicio están en auge mientras que las tintorerías están en declive debido a cambios en las prendas.
Jordan también mencionó los esfuerzos de ayuda tras el huracán Helene, destacando a Sarah Mackin en Newberry, Carolina del Sur, que ofrece servicios de lavandería gratuitos a trabajadores de servicios públicos y primeros respondedores. Además, se discutió el crecimiento de Laundry Go en Asia, una aplicación móvil que ofrece servicios de lavandería con tecnologías innovadoras como un escáner de IA.
Finalmente, mencionó cómo Beyoncé apareció nuevamente en un comercial de Levi’s en una lavandería, resaltando el atractivo continuo de las lavanderías. Jordan concluyó enviando pensamientos y oraciones a los afectados por el huracán Helene e invitando a los oyentes a enviar noticias para el próximo episodio.

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