Laundromat News January 17, 2025

We’re back with another exciting episode of Laundromat News Today! Your host, Jordan Berry, brought some incredible stories and highlights from around the world in the laundromat industry. You won’t want to miss it! 🎉

Here are 5 key things you’ll learn from this episode:

  1. Heartwarming Outreach by Jos and Caitlin Ferguson: Discover how Jos and Caitlin Ferguson of Cleanse and Renewal Laundry in Oxnard are making a difference with their outreach ministry, helping those in need during the holidays and employing people with disability superpowers.

  2. Resurrection of Fairbury’s Historic Laundromat: Learn about how a laundromat in Fairbury, Nebraska, was brought back to life by a mysterious benefactor, restoring an essential service for the community.

  3. 24/7 Laundromat Operations in Palatine: Get inspired by Edward Gomez in Palatine, who converted his laundromat to a 24-hour operation, exploring the challenges and opportunities that come with it.

  4. Luke LeCroy’s Success Story: Hear about Luke LeCroy, who started a laundry service in his garage in Northfield and expanded into a full-fledged facility, driven by his passion for the industry.

  5. Safety Reminders and Alerts: Stay informed about dryer fire hazards, with an incident in Lincoln, Nebraska, causing $20,000 in damages and tips on how to prevent such occurrences. Also, be aware of the drought contingency plan affecting laundromats in Marlin, Central Texas.

Fun Fact from the Episode: Did you know that an 84-year-old ex-military veteran fended off a robber in England using just a pair of jeans? 🦸‍♂️Talk about quick thinking and bravery in the laundromat world!

For the full scoop and more fascinating stories, make sure to listen to the latest episode.

Outro: Jordan Berry wraps up with a dose of enthusiasm and a friendly reminder to keep your laundromats safe and engaging places for your communities. And if you have any news or updates you want to share, send them over to

Call to Action: Stay connected and informed! If you haven’t already, head over to and sign up for a free membership. You’ll get access to awesome resources, exclusive content, and fun surprises like laundromat-themed rap videos! 📬

Listen in, get inspired, and let’s keep the laundromat community thriving together!

Catch you next week!
The Laundromat Resource Team

P.S. Got news or an amazing story to share? Hit us up at and you might be featured in our next episode!

Remember, always check out the transcript for detailed insights. Happy listening! 📻

Do you have news you want to share or do you have a press release? Send us an email at to be featured in the next edition of Laundromat News Today.

Watch The Podcast Here


Episode Transcript

Jordan Berry [00:00:00]:
Welcome to Laundromat News. Today, I am your anchor, Jordan Barry, and we’re coming at you with the latest and greatest from all around the world in the Laundromat industry. Today, I wanna start off with a story from a pro member over at Laundromat Resource. Huge shout out to Jos and Caitlin Ferguson who own, Cleanse and Renewal Laundry in Oxnard. It’s not just a laundromat, it’s also an outreach. It’s a ministry, that they’ve got going on in there, and, they consider it an outreach ministry. It’s staffed by those with disability superpowers, which I love that. And they did 1,000 of dollars in toys and feeding 100 of people over the holidays, raising money and and donations for that.

Jordan Berry [00:00:47]:
So huge shout out to Josh and Caitlin Ferguson who are doing great things. If you happen to be out there and you happen to wanna connect with Joce and Caitlin, or you want to just be a part of what they’ve got going on or donate to help the cause or whatever you want to do, I’m just going to give you the email address right now. Joce, j o s Josfergusson. That’ll be in, in the news article on, or if you’re on YouTube, that’s down below. And obviously, if you’re in our newsletter, you’ll also be getting that information in the newsletter. So that information is there. Reach out to Joss doing really cool stuff in Oxnard, California.

Jordan Berry [00:01:34]:
So shout out to those guys. Keep up the great work, and I hope that your business, just booms because when we’re helping other people, you know, good things tend to happen to us. So awesome to you guys. Wanna give a shout out to Fairbury, Fairbury, Nebraska that, a a long time laundromat that was there shut down a while back, and they don’t tell me who it is, but somebody jumped in there, bought the building, restored the laundromat to its former glory and some, and now Fairbury, Nebraska has a laundromat again. And in a similar vein, in Palatine, the laundromat there, owned by Edward Gomez, who’s owned this for a while, went 24 hour, laundry. And, you know, it’s really interesting, concept to take a laundromat that’s not 24 hour and take it 247. And there’s some, interesting hurdles, but also interesting opportunities with that. So congrats to Edward Gomez for doing that, and best of luck to you in serving your community better.

Jordan Berry [00:02:40]:
That’s what it’s all about. Right? That’s what it’s all about. One other, person owner I wanna shout out here is Luke LeCroy, who, is in Northfield, New Jersey, I believe. Okay. Maybe I can’t remember now if it’s New Jersey or not, but in Northfield. And, he started a laundry service business out of his garage and has since moved into a laundry facility now. And so very cool. I mean, there’s just I I talk to people all the time.

Jordan Berry [00:03:12]:
We’re trying to get in this business, and maybe you don’t have a lot of money to buy a location, but congrats to Luke to, you know, for just getting after it and, building a business before moving into that laundromat. It’s not an easy road to go, but, he did it and he’s doing awesome. And, you know, the core of this I just wanna read this quote from Luke, that he says, I love the people, love the job, love everything about it, and you find your calling and you just go with it. So, I think that’s a huge, shout out to Luke and a huge component behind finding success. You know, weirdly, he says he did not have a lifelong dream of doing laundry. I don’t know. I don’t know. No.

Jordan Berry [00:03:58]:
But huge shout out to Luke for that. Let’s, you know, I I just want to point okay. One other thing that happened in Nebraska. Nebraska is going off in the laundry business right now. I don’t know what the deal is, but in Lincoln, Nebraska, there was a dryer fire. Firefighters responded to that. I just wanted to mention it because we all know, dryer fires happen. This one caused $20,000 worth of damage.

Jordan Berry [00:04:22]:
Just a reminder, keep those lint traps clean, clean up those lint traps every day, but also your vents, your dryer vents. Make sure you’re cleaning those. I know that so many of us let that go by the wayside. I know there’s a lot of water bath owners out there right now, maybe you listening, who have never cleaned the dryer, events. So might be a good time to do that. Let’s stay away from dryer fires. Lint is the enemy of the laundromat. So let’s get that out of our spaces.

Jordan Berry [00:04:56]:
I just wanted to acknowledge or or, I guess, inform anyone who’s in Marlin, who’s in Central Texas there. There’s a drought contingency plan in there, which is effective immediately. And until further notice, includes a ban on vehicle washing, lawn irrigation, and laundromat operation. So hopefully, fingers crossed, there’ll be some water coming your way in Marlin, so that you can get your operations back up and running. Feel free to reach out if you are in that area and have had to shut down operations and have any needs. I I gotta say this. I don’t like to focus on, you know, the negative sensational stories where, you know, something bad happens in a laundromat. However, I will say in England, there was a laundromat where an 84 year old man was attempted to be robbed, and he was in he’s an ex military veteran, and he fended off the robber with a pair of jeans.

Jordan Berry [00:05:59]:
So I just thought that was so cool, and congrats to that guy. But also, you know, just reminder, let’s just keep our places as safe as we can. I know we can’t avoid everything, but, take, you know, whatever steps you can take to keep your customer base safe. And maybe that’s just hiring 84 year old veterans to hang around your laundromat and fend off robbers. I don’t know. Just a thought. And in the world of entertainment news and laundromats, I’ve got a shout out New York Underground Rapper, Mike, all caps. He’s been a fixture in the all indie hip hop scene since his teens, but he just came out with a brand new music video featuring a laundromat with some great shots of the laundromat.

Jordan Berry [00:06:42]:
I’m gonna include a link to that in that video in case you’re interested in checking it out in the newsletter. So if you’re not subscribed, head over to and make sure you’re subscribed. Go sign up for a free, membership over there, utilize all the resources, and get awesome things like laundromat wrap videos. It’s happening. Alright. That is it for now and for this week. If you are out there and you’ve got news that you wanna share with the laundromat world about your local laundromat, or if you own a company or a business that serves Laundromats or Laundromat owners and wanna share what you have going on or a press release, send me an email,, and I will be sure to include it in the next, the next episode next week. Alright.

Jordan Berry [00:07:29]:
Jordan Barry for Laundromat News Today. We will see you next week.

Spanish Summary

En este episodio de “Laundromat News Today” del 17 de enero de 2025, el anfitrión Jordan Berry comparte noticias recientes del mundo de las lavanderías. Primero, felicita a Jos y Caitlin Ferguson de Cleanse and Renewal Laundry en Oxnard por su trabajo como ministerio de alcance y por recaudar miles de dólares en juguetes y alimentos durante las fiestas.

Luego menciona que en Fairbury, Nebraska, una lavandería que había cerrado fue restaurada por un nuevo dueño. También destaca a Edward Gomez en Palatine, quien convirtió su lavandería en una operación 24 horas al día. Otro emprendedor reconocido es Luke LeCroy en Northfield, quien comenzó su negocio de lavandería desde su garaje y ahora tiene una instalación completa.

Berry también alerta sobre un incendio en una secadora en Lincoln, Nebraska, recordando la importancia de mantener las trampas de pelusa limpias. En Marlin, Texas, se ha implementado un plan de contingencia por sequía que afecta a las lavanderías, y se compartió una historia interesante de un veterano de 84 años que defendió un intento de robo en una lavandería en Inglaterra.

En noticias de entretenimiento, el rapero underground de Nueva York, Mike (en mayúsculas), lanzó un video musical que presenta escenas en una lavandería. Finalmente, se invita a los oyentes a compartir sus noticias para futuras ediciones enviando un correo a

Jordan Berry concluye el episodio y promete más noticias para la próxima semana.

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