We have a fresh, crisp episode of Laundromat News Today ready for you, packed with industry insights and a splash of humor. I’m your host, Jordan Berry, and this week we’re delving into some game-changing announcements and, yes, even a leopard in a washing machine!
Here are 5 key things you’ll learn from this episode:
- The Cost Comparison: Find out whether it’s cheaper to do laundry at home or at the laundromat and what future trends might look like.
- Turning Green into Gold: Discover how Troy Laundromat in New Hampshire is paving the way with solar power to tackle rising utility costs.
- Robbers in Canada: The surprising tale of a $10,000 coin heist that’ll make you chuckle and consider beefing up security at your establishment.
- Innovation Alert: Learn about the exciting merger between Pay Range and Terns, and what it means for the laundromat industry—hint: more innovation, integration, and control.
- Tribute to a Pioneer: We remember the incredible contributions of Keenan from the Finding Keenan YouTube channel in this heartfelt segment.
Fun Fact from the Episode: Did you know a leopard once wandered into a laundromat in Zambia and came out spotless? Okay, not quite true, but it’s a must-listen joke that even tickled my own funny bone a bit!
For the full scoop and more fascinating stories, make sure to listen to the latest episode.
Dive into this week’s episode now and stay ahead in the laundry game. Plus, make sure to subscribe so you’re the first to hear the big developments coming your way!
We want to hear from YOU! If you have exciting news about your laundromat or a unique product or service, drop us a line at [email protected] to be featured in a future segment.
Can’t wait for you to tune in and get inspired to take your laundromat to the next level!
Catch you next week!
The Laundromat Resource Team
P.S. Got news or an amazing story to share? Hit us up at newslaundromatresource.com and you might be featured in our next episode!
Remember, always check out the transcript for detailed insights. Happy listening!
Do you have news you want to share or do you have a press release? Send us an email at [email protected] to be featured in the next edition of Laundromat News Today.
Watch The Podcast Here
Episode Transcript
Jordan Berry [00:00:01]:
Welcome to Laundromat News Today. I am your anchor, Jordan Barry, bringing you news from around the world in the laundromat industry. And I just wanna tease this upfront. We’ve got a huge announcement, breaking news in the laundromat industry that’s gonna affect all of us and impact us in big ways, either directly or indirectly. So make sure you stay tuned for that story. But we’re gonna kick off this episode of the news, with a little bit more somber announcement here. Just got word that on 02/15/2025, we lost one of our own. Finding Keenan from the popular YouTube channel, guest one twenty on the podcast, has passed away.
Jordan Berry [00:00:43]:
And, you know, if you’ve heard his episode, you know that Keenan was doing really cool things. He was very creative in his investments, and he was very business minded. He documented a lot of that. Go check out his YouTube channel, Finding Keenan. And it’s just really sad to hear that condolences go out to his family. And I thought we’d just take a moment here, right on the news to just take a moment of silence in remembrance of Keenan and all he’s done for our industry. Okay, Keenan. You will be missed, brother.
Jordan Berry [00:01:22]:
Let’s jump over to an article that, outlined whether it’s cheaper to do laundry at home or at the laundromat. And it will probably come as no surprise to you to find out that it’s actually cheaper to do laundry at home than the laundromat. If you can afford the upfront costs to actually purchase washers and dryers and do all the setup that needs to come with that, that is the big caveat to cheaper doing it at home than at the laundromat. However, I do still think that less and less people will be doing their own laundry at least at home, and more and more will be doing it or having you do it at the laundromat. So keep that trend going. I’ll link to that article so you can see the actual numbers in our newsletter. So make sure you check that out. Hey, got to highlight a pretty big robbery that happened at a laundromat where thieves got away with $10,000 in coins stolen straight out of the laundromat.
Jordan Berry [00:02:24]:
Now the big caveat here is that this happened in Canada. So I don’t know the exact conversion, but I think maybe it’s like $50 American, but still 10,000 in coins, even Canadian. Big deal. Just kidding. Sorry, Canada. I love you guys despite booming our national anthem in the hockey game. Okay. Listen, we’ve got, an interesting topic that I think is we become more and more relevant as we go forward, in in our business and we’re watching utility costs go up, a lot of our costs go up, but utilities specifically.
Jordan Berry [00:03:01]:
And I just wanna highlight Troy Laundromat that’s out in New Hampshire who just loaded their roof up with solar panels, trying to figure out ways to offset, offset these electrical costs that we incur as laundromats. And I’ve had more and more conversations with people looking into water recycling and different alternatives to how to power dryers and dry clothes. So there’s a lot of these conversations happening here, partially to be more green, but also partially to figure out ways to cut costs to run our laundromats. Big story out of Zambia. And this is a pretty wild story. There’s a laundromat in Zambia, small little laundromat in Zambia. And, actually, like a week ago, a leopard wandered into it, and it actually lunged at somebody but missed and landed directly in the washer. And, pretty crazy, the washer somehow turned on and it turned out that the leopard, after the load was done, came out spotless.
Jordan Berry [00:04:17]:
Get it? Spotless. It came out spotless. Okay. That wasn’t a real news story. That was my attempt at a joke for Patrick. That was right there for you. The leopard came out of the washing machine. Spotless.
Jordan Berry [00:04:27]:
I hope you loved it, Patrick, because you are the only one that ever wants me to try to tempt humor, including my wife. Okay. Actually, finally, and I wanna wrap this up with a huge, huge announcement. Pay Range has acquired Terns, the wash and fold and pickup and delivery software, And this merger is now, one of, a couple now that we have where hardware and software are getting together, and there’s we’re gonna see more and more innovation and integration of these tools. And so this is huge news for owners. We should see more, more innovation happening, more tools, more resources, more data to be able to collect, and more control over our businesses. So this is huge news. And in fact, it’s such big news that the very next episode, episode, I believe, one eighty four, which is coming out Tuesday.
Jordan Berry [00:05:26]:
Should check the date on that one. That’s the February 25. I’m gonna, be interviewing. I’m gonna release a podcast that I interviewed with Sukanth from Terns. He’s gonna talk about that merger and and acquisition and, and the implications of that for the industry in general and for you specifically. So definitely gonna wanna see that episode on Tuesday, February 25. And congrats to, Pay Range in terms for coming to an agreement. And, hey, we’re all rooting for you to help push this industry and lead us to new heights.
Jordan Berry [00:06:01]:
So congrats to you guys, and we will see you on Tuesday, February 25 with that interview with Sukhath and hearing more about that merger. That is all. I’m Jordan from Laundromat News Today. We’ll see you next week with news from around the world in the laundromat industry.
Spanish Summary
En este episodio de “Laundromat Resource News” presentado por Jordan Berry, se cubren varias noticias importantes de la industria de lavanderías. El episodio comienza con una triste noticia sobre el fallecimiento de Keenan, un conocido miembro de la comunidad de lavanderías y anfitrión de un canal de YouTube, a quien se le rinde homenaje con un momento de silencio.
Luego, se discute un artículo sobre el costo de lavar la ropa en casa comparado con las lavanderías, destacando que es más barato hacerlo en casa si se pueden cubrir los costos iniciales de los electrodomésticos. Sin embargo, se observa una tendencia a que más personas usen las lavanderías.
Berry menciona un robo significativo en una lavandería en Canadá donde se robaron $10,000 en monedas. También se discuten maneras en que las lavanderías están reduciendo costos, como el caso de una lavandería en New Hampshire que instaló paneles solares para disminuir los costos de energía.
Finalmente, se hace un anuncio importante sobre la adquisición de Terns por Pay Range, lo que representa una importante fusión de software y hardware en la industria. Se espera que esto traiga mayor innovación y control para los propietarios de lavanderías. Berry menciona que en el próximo episodio entrevistará a Sukhath de Terns para discutir más sobre esta fusión y sus implicaciones.