Laundromat News August 30, 2024

We’re thrilled to bring you the latest updates from the laundromat industry with this edition of Laundromat News Today! From exciting new software features to international expansions and more, here’s what’s making waves in our world:

Exciting Updates from Turns!

Turns, the innovative software solution for laundromat owners, has just rolled out their latest feature—subscriptions! If you’ve been considering the subscription model for your pickup, delivery, and drop-off laundry services, now’s your chance to explore this option with Terns’ new offering. Dive into the future of customer relationships and operational efficiency!

Industry Insights from Open PR

Our friends at Open PR have developed a compelling report predicting an imminent boom in both laundry facilities and dry cleaning. Although Jordan Berry hasn’t got his hands on the full study yet, the predictions align with the positive trends we’re observing. Stay tuned for more insights once the report is reviewed!

Unbelievable International Stories

In an unexpected twist, a stray cat recently found its way into a dryer in Singapore. The good news? The cat survived the dry cycle. This unusual incident reminds us of the importance of checking our machines thoroughly—a new sign for your laundromat, perhaps?

Farewell to the Iconic Washtub Laundromat

In a sad turn of events, the iconic washtub laundromat, known from shows like *Breaking Bad* and *Better Call Saul*, is being demolished following a devastating fire. The owner, Hunter, has plans to rebuild, and we extend our best wishes for a swift recovery process.

Major International Investments by Alliance Laundry

Alliance Laundry is making significant strides by investing $4.5 million to expand operations in Thailand. This expansion aims to enhance resources and support for Southeast Asia, Australia, and New Zealand, ushering in an era of improved training and accessibility.

📣 Share Your News with Us!
Whether you’re launching a new product, celebrating an achievement, or have any news big or small—share it with us! Email us at [email protected], and let’s celebrate together. You’ve got nothing to lose, so send us the news!

Thank you for being a valued member of our community. We look forward to bringing you more exciting updates in our next edition.

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Episode Transcript

Jordan Berry [00:00:03]:
Welcome to Laundromat News. Today, I am your anchor. I can’t get it. I’m reporter. I don’t know what I am. I’m Jordan Barry with Laundromat Resource News, and this is your news in laundromats around the world, around the country, all over the place. We’re gonna start off in our own backyard here, and I wanna talk to you about Terns. Terns is a software that helps laundromat owners operate their pickup and delivery and drop off laundry services around the world.

Jordan Berry [00:00:38]:
And congratulations to Terns. They just rolled out a new feature that allows subscriptions for your customers. So the subscription model is one that some owners have tried. Some love them. Some hate them. If you’re somebody who loves it or somebody who wants to give it a try, Terns is now offering subscriptions for your laundromat customers to help you serve your customers better. So check out Terns if you’re interested in that service. Alright.

Jordan Berry [00:01:07]:
Open PR, has a study. I have not yet got my hands on it. However, hopefully, I’ll have it maybe by next week. But they are, they they developed a report that basically says, hey. Laundry facilities and dry cleaning are both about to have a big boom, and I tend to agree with that based solely off of what I hear and not at all any scientific research whatsoever. Like theirs is, based on. And, I see that now is a great time to be getting into this industry. I’ve said that before.

Jordan Berry [00:01:41]:
I’ll say it again. There’s a lot of opportunity right now. Yes. There’s more demand than ever, but there’s also more opportunity than ever in this industry. So check out Open PR’s reports on the laundromat industry. And if I get that report, by the next news episode, I’ll share some of the findings from that as well. We’ve gotta go international. And to get a little international, I always struggle to find international stories, but I got one for you.

Jordan Berry [00:02:09]:
In Singapore, a stray cat ended up in a dryer with somebody’s laundry. And listen, I just wanna put your minds at ease right now. The cat did survive the dry cycle, So that is the great news. Lesson to take away here. We have yet another sign to add to our laundromats. Make sure you check your dryers before for for stray cats before you start your dry load. But in all seriousness, the cats survived. Everything’s good, and, that’s what’s happening around the world in laundries.

Jordan Berry [00:02:44]:
If you’re somebody who’s international and you’ve got some laundry news, hit me up at news at I would love to get some news in there, international that’s not just about cats and dryers. But if we’re cats and dryers internationally, at least we’re roping it in, over there. I do wanna make a correction. Shout out to Lawrence Cohen for, correcting a report from last, last week’s episode. I think I said Las Vegas, Nevada, but it, in fact, was Las Vegas, New Mexico that’s having the water shortage. So thank you for that correction. Lawrence.

Jordan Berry [00:03:20]:
And some sad news. The iconic washtub laundromat is beginning demolition after a fire earlier in the year. You may have seen it on iconic shows such as Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul. Not really the best look for our industry in terms of money laundering. However, it is iconic. It is sad what happened to that laundromat, and, the owner, Hunter, is hoping to rebuild, and, hopefully, better than ever. So, best of luck to you guys in rebuilding over there, and sorry to see that laundromat being demolished there. Lastly, I guess this is more relevant international news, but Alliance Laundry is investing 4 and a half million in order to expand their operations over there in Thailand.

Jordan Berry [00:04:13]:
So they are bringing it international, over there and, making some investment in Southeast Asia over there. And I’m assuming, in fact, I I know that there that will help impact some people who maybe are in Australia and New Zealand down in that neck of the woods, as well as Southeast Asia, over there as training will be closer. Hopefully, parts and machines will be closer. And, yeah. So, hopefully, it’ll it’ll benefit Southeast Asia and our fellow laundry brothers and sisters down under as well. So that is all I have for Laundromat News. If you are a company or an owner and you’ve got news you wanna share on the next, it’s not really an episode. What do you call a news show? Our next news show, send me an email, news at

Jordan Berry [00:05:06]:
I would love to, report on news. And listen, this is a great opportunity, you know, if you’re a company and you’ve got a new product launch or a new merger or whatever, to share that with a large audience of very focused people. But, also, if you’re a laundromat owner and you’re trying something new, you’re making an acquisition, you need something to celebrate, you need to celebrate with us, Anything like that. I mean, listen. This is news big and small, and I wanna bring relevant information, about our industry and what’s going on here to you. So send me an email, [email protected]. You’ve got nothing to lose, so send me the news. Maybe that’s my new catchphrase.

Jordan Berry [00:05:49]:
You’ve got nothing to lose, so send me the news. Signing off for Laundromat News today, Jordan Barry.

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