Laundromat News August 23, 2024

Welcome to the latest edition of the Laundromat Resource News! We have a packed newsletter for you with industry updates, inspiring stories, and important reminders that you won’t want to miss. Let’s dive in!

Inside This Issue:
1. ide’s Ambitious Expansion Plans
2. International Impact: P&G in the Philippines
3. Big Moves in Kentucky by Splash ’em Out Laundry
4. Congrats to Clean Cloud for Expanding to 100+ Countries!
5. Young Entrepreneur Spotlight: Crosby Wills
6. Legal Alert: Texas Laundromat Lawsuit
7. Industry Growth Forecast: Exciting Times Ahead!

1. Tide’s Ambitious Expansion Plans
Tide is shaking things up with their aggressive strategy to become the top provider of on-demand laundry services! They’re not just stopping at building new locations—they’re also looking to partner with experienced, well-funded, multi-store operators to further their roll-up strategy.
Keep an eye out for new opportunities and remember, staying competitive means staying 

2. International Impact: P&G Helping the Philippines
P&G, under their Ariel brand, is making a positive impact globally by aiding over 13,000 people affected by Super Typhoon Karina in the Philippines. This is a great reminder of the profound difference our industry can make in communities—big or small. 🌏❤️

3. Big Moves in Kentucky by Splash them Out Laundry
Shoutout to Joe Dan and Kelly Reid of Splash them Out Laundry! They’ve upped their game by acquiring a Continental Jabraut Ironer. To see what they’re up to and how this equipment is transforming their services, check out [their video](#). 🎥👔

4. Congrats to Clean Cloud for Expanding to 100+ Countries!
A big round of applause for Clean Cloud, now the largest software provider in our industry by customer base and global reach! Proud of your accomplishments, even if you didn’t break the news here first. 😉 Give a peek at [Clean Cloud’s success](#). 🌍🤖

5. Young Entrepreneur Spotlight: Crosby Wills
13-year-old Crosby Wills from Loomis, California, is our entrepreneur of the month. He got creative by acquiring a vending machine and installing it in Country Tubs Launderette! It’s amazing to see young minds stepping into business. 📈💡

6. Legal Alert: Texas Laundromat Lawsuit
A laundromat in Houston faces a hefty lawsuit after a chair collapse, highlighting the importance of safety and proper insurance. The lawsuit ranges between $250K to $1M for various damages. Be diligent in maintaining your facility and ensure you’ve got the appropriate coverage. ⚖️🛡️

7. Industry Growth Forecast: Exciting Times Ahead!
Exciting news from Open PR: our industry’s service market is projected to grow to $17.93 billion by 2030! With a current valuation at $15.98 billion, this marks an expected annual growth of 1.7%. Now is a prime time to be involved in the laundromat business! 🌟📈

Stay Informed, Stay Competitive!

Got news or an inspiring story to share? Whether it’s a big merger, new product launch, or your own business achievements, we want to hear about it! Share your stories with us at [email protected] and let’s celebrate our wins together.

Stay tuned for more updates next week! Until then, keep making waves and pushing our industry forward.

Watch The Podcast Here


Episode Transcript

Jordan Berry [00:00:00]:
Welcome to Laundromat News. Today, I am your news anchor host, news anchor. I’m your news anchor, Jordan Barry, and I’m bringing you all the latest and greatest in news in Laundromats. Now we’ve gotta start off today again with Tide making the news, making waves. They are hiring, people right now to expand their Tide services department, which is their laundry services business, laundromat franchise, that they’ve got over there. And I wanted to bring it up because of their stated goal. This is according to them. Their goal is to become the top provider of on demand laundry services.

Jordan Berry [00:00:41]:
They’re looking to utilize a roll up strategy where they’re building and buying laundromats and branding them under the Tide brand, you know, and they they point out, how the laundry and dry cleaning laundromat dry cleaning industries are fragmented, which is true. And they are looking to consolidate all those, and along with that, they’re looking for well funded, experienced, multi store operators to partner with. So keep an eye on Tide and what they’re doing, because, again, they have stated their goal is to do a big roll up and and coming after our business. So let’s, let’s keep our eye on that and listen, all the more reason to take care of your own business there. So that’s one thing PG, P and G is doing through the Tide brand. I want to point out, you know, in fairness, something awesome that they’re doing. P and G, under their aerial brand, has, set out to aid over 13,000 people who were affected by the super typhoon, Carina, out there in the Philippines. And I was requested to get some international news going.

Jordan Berry [00:01:48]:
So here you are, some Filipino, laundromat news here, but they are helping, to clean up, this this big mess after her, super typhoon, Karina, out there in the Philippines. And I wanted to point it out, number 1, to give them props and encourage that kind of thing. But number 2, I just wanna reiterate that our business is unique in the way that we get to make a difference in communities, and it doesn’t have to be through giving out 13,000 free washes. We can make a big difference in the communities that we’re serving in lots of different small and big ways. So be on the lookout for ways that you can make a difference and impact your communities. I think it’s a huge, advantage that we have here in this industry to be able to do that. I want to shout out Joe Dan and Kelly Reid of Splash them Out Laundry out there in Kentucky making big moves once again. They have just, purchased a Continental Jabraut Ironer, to do some big time ironing out there in Kentucky in their laundry services business, Splash them Out Laundry and or Laundromats, and they have sent over a link to a video.

Jordan Berry [00:03:00]:
If you wanna check out what they’re doing with their ironer and what their plans are over there, check out the link in our newsletter, and, along with all the other stories here. I wanna take a quick second to pause and say, hey. This is a brand new segment. If you have news, it could be big news, like Tide franchise stuff, or if you’re a vendor in the business and you’ve got big news, a merger, an acquisition, a new product launch coming out, this is your PR spot here. So shoot us an email [email protected]. But also, if you’re an owner or you’re making moves or you’re acquiring a laundromat and you wanna celebrate, this is this is for us. Right? This is to help us here. So just like Joe Dan and Kelly did, sent over a a press release of their new ironer and merging into that part of the business.

Jordan Berry [00:03:52]:
If you wanna hear more about that, again, the link’s in the newsletter, to their YouTube video. But it can be big. It can be small. We’re here to to dole out the news and to share what’s going on in this industry. So news at laundromat if you got something coming your way. And that brings us to, Clean Cloud is growing to over 100 countries. Congrats to those guys. Although I’ve got beef now with John Boonie, who is running Clean Cloud over there, who’s a buddy of mine, who did not come to the laundromat news.

Jordan Berry [00:04:25]:
Today’s segment first to break this news. However, I’ll forgive him since we’re brand new over here. But congrats to Clean Cloud to growing into over 100 countries now. And Clean Cloud, it it’s the largest software provider, in the laundry industry by customer base and global reach at the moment. So congrats to those guys still trying to help us serve our customers better through their software innovations and expanding their footprint. So congrats to Clean Cloud. I want to shout out a 13 year old Crosby Wills, who I don’t know and doesn’t know he’s being featured on this news segment right now. But in Loomis, California, he’s got a vending machine that he acquired that he put inside of a laundromat, Country Tubs Launderette there in Loomis.

Jordan Berry [00:05:15]:
And I just wanted to shout him out, number 1, because that is awesome. And number 2, if you’re out there and you have a laundromat and you have kids, be teaching your kids business, and giving them opportunities. I did that with my son. It went roughly for him, but he learned some valuable lessons with 2 different gumball machines that were both, vandalized and stolen out of out of our laundromat. But the point is, we have opportunities to use our laundromats. Yes. To serve our communities. Yes.

Jordan Berry [00:05:46]:
To achieve our financial goals, but also to help teach the next generation business. So congrats to Crosby Willis out there and or Wills out there and Loomis for snagging a vending machine and putting it in the laundromat. Again, we got a link to that in our newsletter if you wanna check him out. He’s got a big grin standing next to his vending machine there. Out in Texas in Houston, I wanted to point this out because this is a little, scary, but a laundromat was sued out in Houston, Texas for negligence after a chair collapsed. And the prosecution is basically saying that there was there were no warning signs present or any other signs of caution near the area where the chair collapsed, and that’s all it took for a lawsuit to happen. Now, obviously, the laundromat owner is saying, there was no way for them to know the chair was gonna collapse and that there was any danger. And so you know? But there’s a lawsuit there.

Jordan Berry [00:06:48]:
And all of this just to say and and the lawsuit is ranging between 250 to a $1,000,000 for damages, medical expenses, pain and suffering, mental anguish, physical impairment, and disfigurement. So this is a big time lawsuit. So this is just another word of caution for us. Number 1, to make sure we’re taking care of our business and things are safe. And number 2, make sure you’ve got appropriate insurance because that is something that definitely can take you down, and we don’t want that happening. So just a good reminder there. And finally, I’m gonna wrap this thing out with a, a forecast that has been put out there by Open PR, and they are forecasting that our industry, the laundromat service market, is going to grow to $17,930,000,000 by 2030. Right now, we’re 15.98 $1,000,000,000, and they’re expecting a 1.7%, percent growth, annually, average annual growth.

Jordan Berry [00:07:58]:
And so hey. Things are looking good. We’re still growing here, and this is, automated laundry service. And I genuinely think that these the service side of the industry, the service side of our business, our our drop off laundry and our pickup and delivery are going to grow significantly faster than that. And so now is a great time to be in laundromats. If you’re someone who’s looking to get into the laundromat game, check out laundromat Stay informed with Laundromat news today, and and get after it because this is a great time to be getting into this business. We’re expecting growth, and I think a lot of it.

Jordan Berry [00:08:38]:
And, listen, a lot of great things are happening with technological developments, more sophistication coming into this business, and owners, collaborating more than ever to help each other grow our businesses, which I love to see. So that is this week’s Laundromat news today. We will see you next week for another rendition and another roundup of your laundromat News. Have a great evening or morning, whenever you’re listening to this.

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