Choose Your Perfect Plan
We like to think of laundromats like finger prints. Every one is unique. Every laundromat owner has different needs, goals, and preferences. That’s why we at laundromat resource have decided to offer a variety of packages to get you exactly where you want to be with your online presence. Take a look at our packages below and please let us know if you have any questions. We can not wait to help you succeed!
+Hosting and Domain*
Basic Single Page Website
Desktop And Mobile Friendly
+Hosting and Domain*
All This Plus
Multi-Page Website (up to 5 pages)
Linked Social Media Accounts
Full Google Analytic Integration
Prices Vary
+Hosting and Domain*
All This Plus
Fully Customizable Site Design
As Many Pages as You Need
1 Year of Website Management
* Hosting and domain are not included.
^ Hosting and domain services are paid annually.
Digital Laundromat Presence Made Easy
People can’t do business with you if they can’t find you. It has never been more important to be digitally discoverable.
There are people in your city that may never see or step foot in your laundromat. Expanding online multiplies the possibilities of reaching every laundry basket in your area.
A brand is a powerful tool that fosters customer loyalty. Customer loyalty translates into repeat business year after year.
Your online presence the perfect place to begin collecting and showcasing the rave reviews of your happy customers. Establish credibility and allow your faithful customers to help you spread the word.

Frequently Asked Questions
Hosting through bluehost normally costs $7.99 a month for the basic package but through our Laundromat Resource affiliate we can get you hosting at a discounted price. Hosting can cost as low as $3.95 a month. Laundromat resource can also to get your domain free for the first year with purchase of hosting! After the first year, a typical domain registration will cost on average between $10-$20 dollars annually.
Some sites are completed in as little as a week, while others can take as long as 4 weeks or more. Once we have a clear understanding of the project we will give you an estimate.
Yes, that is a service we are currently offering. Please let us know if you are interested in this as we consult on your website build.
Yes! Customer satisfaction is our highest priority. We’re confident that you’ll love working with us, and love the end result. We will not be satisfied until you are thrilled with your new online presence!