Home Forums Laundromats Podcast Takeaways From Shows 1-10

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  • #1861
    Jordan Berry

      Hey guys, I thought it would be fun to share our biggest takeaways from the podcast interviews so far! I feel like we would all really benefit from hearing each others’ perspectives! I’ll list mine. Comment and share yours, too!

      1. Close the gap between knowing and doing!
      2. Think “who” first, now “how.”
      3. Perseverance is crucial to success!
      4. Be laser focused on providing value in your business!
      5. Foster and abundance mindset!
      6. Expand your vision!

      To hear my elaboration on each of these points, check out show 11 of the podcast: https://www.laundromatresource.com/show11

      tom yohanson

        Reading the paper24 review as a student gave me great insights into what to expect from their services. The reviews emphasized their professionalism, quality, and ability to meet tight deadlines, which is exactly what I needed. It was especially helpful to see detailed feedback about their responsiveness and attention to detail.

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