Home Forums Laundromats Dry Cleaning Drop Store

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  • #1946

    Hello All,

    I began my laundromat research about a year ago and am currently in the process of selling one of my investment properties so that I could be a cash buyer or place a large down payment depending on the mat/property. I have not come across much that is listed on the market that really caught my attention. I saw Josh’s post about reaching out to owners who do not have their business listed and have been thinking the same thing.

    I am starting to get impatient as now that the money is offically available, assuming the closing on thebhouse goes through next week. This is a long way to get to my question. Has anyone looked into dry cleaners? A broker that I was talking to brought me a drop store and honestly I am not all that impressed and to me seems like a great service to adds to an exisitng laundromat and customer base if a service like that is not already being offered but seems very difficult turn turn around the other way. I guess in a way it is going to be similar from an owners standpoint of having an attendant and focus mostly on marketing and driving people in the door. Just curious anyone’s thoughts or experience with this. I don’t want to get off track of my original plan of finding a laundromat and adding services like this but I also don’t want to be looking for a year before I find something.

    Thanks for the feedback.


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