Join America’s favorite (or at least his mom’s) laundromat news anchor, Jordan Berry, as he takes you on a whirlwind tour of the laundromat industry across the globe in this episode of Laundromat Resource News! From the excitement surrounding the highly anticipated second annual Laundry CEO Conference spearheaded by the legendary Waleed Cope in Dallas, Texas, to the heartwarming story of Aspira Nigeria Limited’s generous laundromat donation to Lagos State University, this episode is packed with headline-worthy stories.
Here are 5 key things you’ll learn from this episode:
Conference Alert: Learn all about the second annual Laundry CEO Conference happening in Dallas, Texas, from October 5-7. Jordan shares his mind-blowing experience from last year and why it’s a must-attend event.
A Story from Atlanta: An intriguing transformation of a laundromat into a breakfast diner. Jordan expresses his thoughts on this shift!
Philanthropy in Nigeria: Discover how Aspira Nigeria Limited generously donated a fully furnished laundromat to Lagos State University. A heartwarming story of giving back!
Korean Innovation: Hear about Clintopia, the leading Korean laundry franchise, and their startup briefings aimed at sharing management know-how and technology.
Helping Hands in Michigan: Understand how Mason Community Services is responding to rising laundry costs by partnering with laundromat owners to offer financial assistance.
Fun Fact from the Episode: Did you hear about the laundromat “robbery” that turned into a pun? Jordan shared a humorous, albeit fictional, story of an attempted laundromat robbery where the owner kept folding laundry under pressure. Get it? Folding under pressure!
We dive deep into these stories and more, while Jordan keeps the humor going, even if he admits the jokes are still a work in progress!
Thanks for listening! Stay tuned for more news and keep on spinning those stories.
Catch you next week!
The Laundromat Resource Team
P.S. Got news or an amazing story to share? Hit us up at [email protected] and you might be featured in our next episode!
Remember, always check out the transcript for detailed insights. Happy listening!
Watch The Podcast Here
Episode Transcript
Jordan Berry [00:00:01]:
Welcome to laundromat news today. I’m America’s favorite laundromat news anchor, probably the only one. And if not the only one, then I am my mom’s favorite laundromat news anchor, Jordan Barry. And I’m here with news from around the world in the laundromat industry. First and foremost, I’ve got to acknowledge Nate Brand and Brandon Understall. Best wash for this brand new hat, which I love. Thank you, guys. Shout out to you guys.
Jordan Berry [00:00:28]:
And, hey, huge event coming up later on this year, October. The second, maybe annual. I’m gonna call it the second annual because it was last year and, again, this year’s. But the second annual Laundry CEO Conference that Waleed Cope is putting on, former podcast guest, all around awesome guy, and kinda Laundromat hero, to many, is putting on the Laundry CEO, conference in, Dallas, Texas, October Fifth The Seventh. Tickets are now on sale. So check out to grab tickets to that. I will just say I was at the last one last year, and it was the most mind blowing, Laundromat conference that you can imagine. I mean, listen, you probably can’t imagine a, a mind blowing experience at a laundry conference, but it was exactly that.
Jordan Berry [00:01:22]:
Speakers were incredible. Attention to detail is amazing. Food was amazing. Seating was amazing. I may or may not have driven a Ferrari as a direct result of that. So there’s a lot of really great stuff going on. You don’t wanna miss it, while you put on a really great program last time. And listen, you’re only gonna get better.
Jordan Berry [00:01:40]:
Right? So I don’t even can’t even imagine where up is from there, but, well, you can do it. So go to laundry, to go sign up and grab tickets. Again, October in Dallas, Texas. Don’t miss it. Okay. Listen, we’re taking a loss here. We I just wanted to, share this little story that came out of Atlanta where a listen, a laundromat was shut down and turned into a breakfast diner. And listen, I just I feel like that’s a loss for us, and I just I don’t like it.
Jordan Berry [00:02:17]:
I don’t like it. So let’s up our game. No more turning laundromats into diners. Listen, restaurants are the ones that should be turning into laundromats. Am I right? Right. That’s right. So, let’s head over to, I believe, Nigeria is where this one is. Yeah.
Jordan Berry [00:02:33]:
It is in Nigeria. And there’s a firm in Nigeria called Espira Aspira Aspira Nigeria Limited, and they actually donated a school or a laundromat to a school called Largo State University. And, I just wanted to highlight that. I don’t know. I’ve never heard of anybody donating a laundromat to anybody else. So props to Aspira Nigeria Limited for donating a fully furnished laundromat to Lago State University, and congrats to Lago State University for getting a laundromat. Do some great stuff with that. That’s a self serve laundry happening over here.
Jordan Berry [00:03:09]:
And while we’re international, let’s keep it there, and let’s head over to Korea, where the number one Korean for laundry franchise called Clintopia is doing their first startup briefing. They’re doing some workshops to share management know how and technology that’s been accumulated. They’re doing eight of these around Korea in Seoul and a bunch of other places that I will not try to pronounce because I will butcher it. Even pronouncing Seoul was a little risky for me, but, pretty cool stuff going on in Korea and, in in the laundry industry and, Clintopia. They’re crushing it. That franchise is crushing it out there. They’ve got a ton of locations doing really cool stuff and doing these events to help highlight, what’s going on in the industry in Korea. So cool stuff there.
Jordan Berry [00:04:00]:
The other, story I wanted to highlight was there was a, an attempted robbery at a laundromat and an owner was there processing, wash, dry, fold, orders as this robber came into the store to hold up the laundromat and something incredible happened. The the robber came in armed robbery with a gun and demanded payment from the from the owner of the store who was processing laundry. And according to the news article, the laundry owner did not even look up and he just continued processing the laundry order. And as the robber escalated more and more and more, the owner really just kept processing the laundry, folding the laundry, and eventually the robber just left. And as this news reporter was interviewing the owner of, like, why didn’t you say anything? Why didn’t you do anything? Were you scared? And the owner just looked dead into the camera and said, Listen, I’m a little embarrassed, but I folded under pressure. You get it because he was folding, Folding the clothes and under pressure. Okay. All right.
Jordan Berry [00:05:20]:
That was your, that was your joke news story for the day. I’m going to keep working on that and getting better. But that one’s not true. The last thing I wanna cover is, Mason Community Services in Mason, Mason, Michigan is giving out, some laundry assistance. You know, listen, we all know if we’re in this business, you know our prices are going up because our costs are increasing. And, you know, when prices go up, that puts pressure on consumers. So Mason Community Service took note of the increasing laundry costs and the burden that puts on its community members and is doing something to help out. Very cool.
Jordan Berry [00:06:05]:
So just another reminder, hey, be looking to work with community resources, community services, nonprofits in your area where you can offer you can partner with them to, you know, do something good for the community. Right. And, kudos to Mason Community Services for, you know, helping help people out their laundry costs. And kudos to those laundromat owners who are partnering with Mason Community Services. They’re they’re given money loaded on an app payment system, which can’t really do with a coin store. So just, you know, anecdotal, you know, story there for you. Draw whatever conclusions you want, but, just very interesting, ways to partner with nonprofits in the community. So be looking for those opportunities out there to give back by partnering with nonprofits and doing something good for the community.
Jordan Berry [00:06:54]:
Okay. That’s it from around the world. A whole bunch of laundromat industry news. Make sure you go sign up and grab tickets early for the Laundry CEO Forum in Dallas, Texas in October. And, I’m just going to apologize right up front for, I guess, right at the end here, not up front at the end for a really bad joke. But, you know, I’m going to keep practicing. I’m going to keep practicing. My mom tells me I’m funny.
Jordan Berry [00:07:21]:
Maybe some of you think maybe possibly there’s some potential there someday. I’m Jordan with Laundromat News Today, and we’ll see you next week with all the latest and greatest. And if you have a breaking news story or a press release or just something cool that you’re doing in or through your laundromat, and you wanna feature that on the next Laundromat news or any future Laundromat news story, email us at [email protected], and we’ll make sure you get featured. Alright. We’ll see you next week.
Spanish Summary
En este episodio de “Laundromat Resource”, Jordan Berry, el presentador, comparte noticias del mundo de las lavanderías. Agradece a Nate Brand y Brandon Understall por su nuevo sombrero y destaca un próximo evento importante: la segunda conferencia anual de Laundry CEO en Dallas, Texas, del 5 al 7 de octubre, organizada por Waleed Cope. Jordan alaba la conferencia del año pasado y anima a la audiencia a asistir.
Entre las noticias, menciona la historia de una lavandería en Atlanta que se convirtió en restaurante, expresando su descontento con la situación. También destaca la donación de una lavandería totalmente equipada por parte de Aspira Nigeria Limited a la Universidad del Estado de Lagos en Nigeria.
Además, comenta sobre la franquicia líder en Corea, Clintopia, que está haciendo talleres para compartir conocimientos de gestión y tecnología. Jordan también cuenta una historia ficticia humorística sobre un intento de robo en una lavandería.
Finalmente, menciona que los Servicios Comunitarios de Mason en Michigan están brindando asistencia con los costos de lavandería debido al aumento de precios. Jordan invita a los dueños de lavanderías a colaborar con organizaciones sin fines de lucro en sus comunidades. Concluye el episodio recordando a la audiencia la conferencia de Laundry CEO y pidiendo que envíen cualquier historia interesante sobre lavanderías que quieran presentar en el programa.